
Sunday, June 19, 2022

Hot Task Thirst week 8

“Ryder!” his Dad shouted, “Ryder you little thief get out here right now!he demanded, Ryder heard this from a mile away and had already situated himself a spot to hide in one hour before his parents arrived.He sat in his little cubby hole regretting his decisions and wondering what his parents would do when they find him. “I know you're there you little runt!” When Ryder heard this his face turned pale, not only did it send a chill down his spine it sounded very close. Countless thoughts began to flood his brain, I can't just stay here! What will happen when he finds me? he thought. Ryder decided to take a peek out of the hole,  see if it was safe to move and locate another hiding spot, Ryder poked his head slowly out of the hole and scanned the area, and there he saw him-Dad.

Ryders eyelids opened wider as his stomach sank, his hands were sweating and his entire body was trembling, Dads head slowly turned to his direction and when Ryder saw this he quickly snapped back into his hole.Ryder heard the heavy footsteps of his old man, shaking the ground as he made his way towards Ryders hiding spot, every thump basically telling him “its over”.

Ryder noticed a large shadow reigning over him and his cubby hole, he tried to move but couldnt, he was perfectly still but not at the right time, it was like his feet had been implanted into the ground.“So you've been here the whole time…” Ryder didnt respond, he couldnt say a word, he just sat there with wide eyes and large amounts of sweat running down his face. 

The silence was screaming at him, he could feel the intense staring of his father on his back, weighing him down  and filling his eyes with oceans of tears, enough tears to somewhat hydrate the parched, dry, surface. “You gonna talk or what!” his Dad shouted, Ryder still remained silent, “well get ready to run 

that mouth of yours cause you're gonna come home, take all the water you stole and give it back to the Carters! If i'm correct they should be home in fifteen minutes, just in time for you too apologize too.” just the very thought of facing the Carters after what he had done gave him goosebumps. Ryders Dad tightly gripped the back of his t-shirt and pulled him out of the hole, “ c’mon, better do it quickly before your behind ends up in jail.” Ryder followed his Dad all the way back to their house were Brooke and mom were. Before approaching the front door Ryder could see his mother through window, pacing about the living room with an anxious look on her face, while Brooke was sleeping on the couch with dried up tears on her cheek.

“Oh thank goodness your okay!” Mom exclaimed, a confused look formed on Ryders face, too his surprise his mom wasn't as mad as his father was, this made him him somewhat relieved and happy to come back home, “No time for heartwarming reunions, get outside and do what you were told to do!” dad interrupted, mom went back to the couch to comfort Brooke while Ryder springed back outside, making his way to the hose. He carefully stuck the hose into the tank and started extracting the water, as the clear water passed through the hose he thought “we could've had all this water, just for ourselves and he ruined it…”. Ryder made his way across the street to the Carters house and filled up the half filled tank, he thought about what the Carters would say once they found out, he didnt wanna think about it he just wanted to get things over and done.

He finished filling the tank just a the Carters arrived back from work,”ahh there thay are!” dad exclaimed, “whats going on here?” “my son here has something too say,” Ryder got the signal from his father to apoligise to the Carters, Ryder made his way towards the  Carters, every beat of his heart getting slower with every step,” This after noon I came home from school and stole half of the water in your tank, I apoligise for my actions and hope you can forgive me…” The Carters had no response their expression was blank and they didnt even move. A while of awkward silence had stoped when the Carters dismissed them and walked into their house, “what do we do now?” asked Ryder, “we go home thats what we do.” his father responded, they made their way home and went to sleep. The next morning they woke up to a surprise, an AQUA PLEX truck was outside and filling up their tank, “why ya fillin up our tanks” mum asked, “well your neighbors over there payed for your water, pretty generous if ya ask me,”  they turned to see the Carters smiling at them through the window,” thank the LORD” dad said, they all celebrated as the sprinklers drenched them in fresh, clean water concluding this story.

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