
Thursday, September 8, 2022

BLOG Devotion Reflection

 We are created in God's image. This means I have God given creativity and talents. 

This week we read the parable of the three servants, It was about a wealthy Master who was leaving his home for a trip, before he left he gave bags of silver to three of his servants according to their abilities, he gave five bags of silver to the first servant, two bags of silver to the second servant and one bag of silver for the third servant. 

The first servant got to work and invested the money, he ended up doubling the amount he had been given, the second servant did the same thing and doubled the amount of silver he had, but the third servant knew his master was a hard man to please, so in fear of losing the silver he buried it underground and left it their until his master returned. 

When the Master returned he lined up the three servants and asked them what they did with the money he gave them "I invested the silver, and doubled the amount you had given me" the first servant replied, the Master was pleased with him and was proud of what he had achieved. 

The second servant also had the same answer and the Master was pleased with him too. When the master asked the third servant what he had done, the servant replied " I knew you were a hard man to please, and I couldn't trust myself with your money so in fear I buried it in the earth, here is your money" The Master was furious with him "you wicked and lazy servant! why didn't you deposit my money in to the bank? I atleast could've gotten some interest on it!" The Master banished the servant from his household and sent him away.

What this parable has taught me is that God has gifted us with talents and that we should never neglect them or they will be taken away from us.

We can use our talents to help other people and bring joy to them, we can use them for many things, but most importantly we can use them to praise God.

This where I'm good at, I excel in spacial intelligence.

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