
Thursday, June 30, 2022

Recount HOT Task 2022 Term 2

 This term we were set the task of retelling family story and making them into a past tense recount, here is mine.

Long long long ago, A.K.A August, me and my family were very excited to move into our new house. Just before we moved all of our belongings into a gigantic truck and drove it all the way to Kaikohe. 

During the trip our parents gave us up and go due to the fact that we missed out on breakfast while packing up, I finished my up and go but was still thirsty, I looked around seeing if there was anything else to drink then I saw it

 I turned around to be greeted by the sight of a V drink, it had just been sitting there from earlier when my parents were at the gas station, hypnotized by the thought of a cold refreshing drink I grabbed the V but only took a tiny sip, little did I know that tiny sip would be fatal.

 Later on during the trip my body started to itch and burn, my torso and scalp felt like they were on fire and I was in a bad condition with excruciating pain rippling through my body. Pain, agony, exhaustion— “when will it stop?” I asked myself as tears ran down my face.

When we got to the house I sat in the corner crying as my face started to swell up, it started to get difficult when trying to breath so my mother kicked me back straight into the car then took me to the Hospital. When we arrived at the Hospital I could barley move and I started to lose my eyesight.

Once we got inside of the Hospital my vision was gone, I had gone completley blind and I couldnt see anything, then just afterwards I collapsed on the ground unconscious,  forcing the doctors to wheel me off in a wheelchair.

When I woke up my vision was still blurry but I could still make out the things I saw and what they were. My mother was sitting next to me and there was nurses/doctors walking about and doing things, my eyesight started to get better  and I could see them bring a needle close towards my arm. 

They stuck the needle into my arm and injected something into it, turns out they injected adrenaline into my arm which made my body start to lightly shake

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